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AF : Acid-Fast

AF Full Form in Physiology

This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AF in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.

What does AF mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.

AF : Acid-Fast

What is AF?

AF is Acid-Fast

AF Definition / AF Means

The definition of AF is Acid-Fast

The Meaning of AF

AF means Acid-Fast

Full Form Of AF

Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AF. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AF.

Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AF

TermFull FormCategories
AFAudio Frequency Amateur Radio
AFAluminum Frame Architecture
AFAfter Fall Botany
AFAdded Fluoroelastomer Chemistry
AFAnistropic Filtering Chemistry
AFAugmented Formulation Chemistry
AFAkademi Fantasia Colleges Universities
AFAnode Fall Electronics
AFAttenuation Factor Electronics
AFAudio Frequency Electronics
AFAutomatic Filter Electronics
AFAcross Flats Geology
AFAnti-Fall Geology
AFApproximately Finite Mathematics
AFArray Formula Mathematics
AFAir Force Meteorology
AFAcceleration Factor Physics
AFAlternating Field Physics
AFAnisotropic Filtering Physics
AFAudio Frequency Physics
AFActive FIFO (First-In, First-Out) Accounting
AFAlliance Francophone Firms
AFAir Freight General
AFArrow From General
AFArgentina Fund, Inc. NYSE Symbols
AFAlmost Free Products
AFAluminium Filler Products
AFAnti Flag Products
AFAlarmForce Industries, Inc. Toronto Stock Exchange
AFAlexander Ferguson Famous
AFAkedemi Fantasia Media
AFAudio Frequency Media
AFAutomatic Focus Media
AFAgnostic Front Music
AFAakash Foundation Non-Profit Organizations
AFAbraham Fund Non-Profit Organizations
AFAccess Fund Non-Profit Organizations
AFAmerican Forests Non-Profit Organizations
AFArthritis Foundation Non-Profit Organizations
AFAstraea Foundation Non-Profit Organizations
AFAfter Finale Performing Arts
AFAlternate Final Performing Arts
AFAfter Ford Sports
AFAddress Family Assembly
AFAdvanced Functions Assembly
AFAntistropic Filtering Databases
AFApplication Framework General
AFAudio Frequency General
AFActive Frame Software
AFAfter Effects Software
AFAuthentication Framework Software
AFAuthority File Software
AFAuto-Finish Software
AFAssured Forwarding Telecom
AFAdministrative File FDA
AFAtrial Fibrillation FDA
AFAbbreviated Form Military
AFAdministrative Failure Military
AFAdvance Fighting Military
AFAir Force Military
AFAllied Forces Military
AFAmerican Forces Military
AFAmphibious Force Military
AFAppropriated Funds Military
AFArmed Forces Military
AFAugmentation Force Military
AFAerobrake Ferry NASA
AFAft Fuselage NASA
AFAir Force NASA
AFAir Frame NASA
AFAudio Frequency NASA
AFAmerican Front Politics
AFAnti Federation Politics
AFAcross the Flats State Local
AFAtlanta-Fulton State Local
AFAdvance Freight Transportation
AFAirway Facilities Transportation
AFAir Force US Government
AFAmerican Flag US Government
AFAllocations Familiales French
AFAcronym Finder Internet
AFAutomotive Forums Internet
AFAfter Fate Twitter
AFAtrial Fibrillation Hospitals
AFAlign Focus Laboratory
AFAnti-Fungal Laboratory
AFAtrial Fibrillation Oncology
AFAcid-Fast Physiology
AFAdult Female Physiology
AFAmniotic Fluid Physiology
AFAnti-Fatigue Physiology
AFAortic Flow Physiology
AFAsked For Physiology
AFAtrial Fibrillation Physiology
AFAir Force Aircraft Aviation
AFAirField Aircraft Aviation
AFAreometric Filler Aircraft Aviation
AFAbsolutely Fake Coins
AFAfter Foundation Construction
AFAgreed Framework Construction
AFAll Flat Construction
AFApril Fools Days Abbreviations
AFAfter Fall Farming
AFAbsolutely Fantastic Funnies
AFAngry Froggy Funnies
AFApril Fool Funnies
AFAfter Fantasy Gaming
AFAfter Funimation Gaming
AFAlpha Flames Gaming
AFAnime False Gaming
AFAnother Future Gaming
AFArmor Factor Gaming
AFAction Figure Hobbies
AFAll Fake Hobbies
AFAncestral File Hobbies
AFAlan Frank Names and Nicknames
AFAlyssa Francine Names and Nicknames
AFAunt Flo Names and Nicknames
AFAutomatic Focus Photography
AFAfter Life Science Fiction
AFAlpha Federation Science Fiction
AFAlternate Future Science Fiction
AFAlternative Future Science Fiction
AFAnarchist Federation Science Fiction
AFAxis Future Science Fiction
AFStores Ship (Auxiliary, Freight) Ship Types
AFAfghanistan USPS
AFAfghanistan Countries
AFAfrikaans Language Codes (2 Letters)
AFAnglo-French Language Codes (2 Letters)
AFAlabama and Florida Railway Company Railroads

Explore More Information

Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.

TermFull FormCategories
ABXAssociates Business Xchange Unclassified
ADBPAgriculture Development Bank of Pakistan Unclassified
AMUAudio Management Unit Aircraft Aviation
AETAssociation of Educational Therapists Unclassified
AKOAlpha Kappa Omicron Miscellaneous
ADNAlliance Defense Network Science Fiction
AIDAcute Infectious Disease Physiology
AMAAdvanced Maternal Age Physiology
ATM-GAdvanced Toastmaster - Gold Toastmasters
AABAdvanced Automotive Batteries Unclassified


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