ALG Full Form in Physiology
This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand ALG in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.
What does ALG mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.
What is ALG?
ALG is Antilymphocytic GlobulinALG Definition / ALG Means
The definition of ALG is Antilymphocytic GlobulinThe Meaning of ALG
ALG means Antilymphocytic GlobulinFull Form Of ALG
Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of ALG. Know all related meanings and acronyms of ALG.
Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to ALG
Term | Full Form | Categories |
ALG | Algebra | Colleges Universities |
ALG | Autologic Hldgs | London Stock Exchange |
ALG | Alamo Group, Inc. | NYSE Symbols |
ALG | Association of London Government | Professional Organizations |
ALG | Allied Gold Limited | Toronto Stock Exchange |
ALG | Algebra | Educational |
ALG | ARCSOLO Activity Log | File Extensions |
ALG | Austin LinuxUser Group | General |
ALG | Application Layer Gateway | Networking |
ALG | Antilymphocytic Globulin | Physiology |
ALG | Affordable Luxury Gems | Clothes |
ALG | Administrative Lieutenant Governor | Toastmasters |
ALG | Abelian Local Groups | Unclassified |
ALG | Automotive Lease Guide | Unclassified |
ALG | Algiers, Algeria | Airport Codes |
ALG | Algonquian Languages | Language Codes (3 Letters) |
Explore More Information
Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AIIA | Alabama Independent Insurance Agents | Unclassified |
AHA | Agricultural Hemp Association | Farming |
AAA | Always Add Acid | Funnies |
AIF | Analytical Imaging Facility | Unclassified |
ACVR | American College of Veterinary Radiology | Veterinary |
AMPI | Associated Milk Producers, Inc. | Farming |
AMDG | All Mighty Deeds for God | Unclassified |
ABM | Anti Ballistic Missile | Unclassified |
AMWP | A Montgeron Water Polo | Unclassified |
AMEL | Airplane—Multi-Engine Land | Aircraft Aviation |
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