ALC Full Form in Physiology
This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand ALC in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.
What does ALC mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.
What is ALC?
ALC is Approximate Lethal ConcentrationALC Definition / ALC Means
The definition of ALC is Approximate Lethal ConcentrationThe Meaning of ALC
ALC means Approximate Lethal ConcentrationFull Form Of ALC
Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of ALC. Know all related meanings and acronyms of ALC.
Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to ALC
Term | Full Form | Categories |
ALC | Audio Limiter Control | Electronics |
ALC | Additional Liability Company | General |
ALC | AllTrista Corporation | NYSE Symbols |
ALC | Accredited Land Consultant | Occupation Positions |
ALC | Application Label Comments | Products |
ALC | Algoma Central Corporation | Toronto Stock Exchange |
ALC | Area Learning Center | Educational |
ALC | Alcove | Housing |
ALC | Asian Law Caucus | Law |
ALC | Americans for Libraries Council | Non-Profit Organizations |
ALC | Annual Legislative Conference | Non-Profit Organizations |
ALC | American Lutheran Church | Religion |
ALC | Ascension Lutheran Church | Religion |
ALC | Audio Library Context | General |
ALC | Automatic Line Controller | Telecom |
ALC | Adelphi Lab Center | Military |
ALC | Administration and Logistics Center | Military |
ALC | Advanced Land Combat | Military |
ALC | Air Logistics Center | Military |
ALC | Area Logistics Command | Military |
ALC | Army Logistics Center | Military |
ALC | Aft Load Controller | NASA |
ALC | Air Logistics Center | NASA |
ALC | Audio Load Compensator | NASA |
ALC | Augmented Landing Site | NASA |
ALC | Automatic Level Control | NASA |
ALC | Automatic Light Control | NASA |
ALC | Automatic Level Control | Transportation |
ALC | Agency Location Code | US Government |
ALC | Agency Locator Code | US Government |
ALC | absolute lymphocyte count | British Medicine |
ALC | alcohol | British Medicine |
ALC | alcoholic liver cirrhosis | British Medicine |
ALC | alkali-extractable light chain | British Medicine |
ALC | alternate level of care | British Medicine |
ALC | alternate lifestyle checklist | British Medicine |
ALC | alternate lifestyle companion | British Medicine |
ALC | alternative level of care | British Medicine |
ALC | amoebaless life cycle Microbiology | British Medicine |
ALC | anaplastic large cell | British Medicine |
ALC | anterior lens capsule | British Medicine |
ALC | argon laser coagulation | British Medicine |
ALC | assisted living center | British Medicine |
ALC | atypical lymphoid cell | British Medicine |
ALC | avian leukosis complex | British Medicine |
ALC | axiolinguocervical Dentistry | British Medicine |
ALC | Approximate Lethal Concentration | Physiology |
ALC | Anime Lovers Community | Funnies |
ALC | Azteca Lobby Card | Hobbies |
ALC | Apple Lossless Codec | Unclassified |
ALC | Assures Less Contacts | Unclassified |
ALC | Alicante, Spain | Airport Codes |
ALC | American Liberty Currency | Currencies |
Explore More Information
Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.
Term | Full Form | Categories |
ACRG | Animaniacs Cultural Reference Guide | Funnies |
ABBREVIATIONSVAR | abbreviations “var | Unclassified |
ACLU | Anti-Christian Lovers Union | Funnies |
AMAB | Associazione Mediterannea Agricoltura Biologica | Farming |
AQ | Arkansas Quality | Funnies |
AIMS | Activities For Integrating Mathematics And Science | Unclassified |
AAD | All About Design | Unclassified |
AIP | Academic Internship Program | Unclassified |
AEDT | Australian Eastern Daylight Time | Unclassified |
ACAT | Alaska Cat Adoption Team | Unclassified |
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