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AIS : Artificial Immune System

AIS Full Form in Physiology

This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AIS in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.

What does AIS mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.

AIS : Artificial Immune System

What is AIS?

AIS is Artificial Immune System

AIS Definition / AIS Means

The definition of AIS is Artificial Immune System

The Meaning of AIS

AIS means Artificial Immune System

Full Form Of AIS

Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AIS. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AIS.

Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AIS

TermFull FormCategories
AISAcademic Information System Colleges Universities
AISAcademic Intervention Services Colleges Universities
AISAcademy of International Studies Colleges Universities
AISAdventures In Supercomputing Colleges Universities
AISAdhesive Interconnect System Electronics
AISAccounting Information System Accounting
AISAccounting Information Systems Accounting
AISAMPAL American Israel Corporation AMEX Symbols
AISAkita Interpretation Service Firms
AISAktiv Industriell Samverkan Firms
AISAmerican Information Systems Firms
AISAmerican Internet Services Firms
AISAmerican Investigative Specialists Firms
AISAsahi India Solutions Firms
AISAtlantic Information Services, Inc. Firms
AISAccess to Information Services General
AISAdvanced Inventory System General
AISAlternative Investment Strategies LD Sterling Hedged Fund London Stock Exchange
AISAdministrative Information Services Occupation Positions
AISActive, Individual, and Social Community
AISAcademic Intervention Service Educational
AISActivity In School Educational
AISAmerican International School Educational
AISAbility Imparied Sportsman Law
AISAlabama Inmate Sentence Law
AISAsk In Silence Law
AISAnimated Inbuilt Scenery Media
AISAdventures In Success Music
AISAlzheimer's Information Site Non-Profit Organizations
AISAmerican Indian Services Non-Profit Organizations
AISAssociation for Information Systems Non-Profit Organizations
AISAgyal Integrated School Schools
AISactive isolated stretching Sports
AISAustralian Institute of Sport Sports
AISAirtel iTV Service TV Stations
AISASCII Individual Stream Assembly
AISACDSee Image Sequence file File Extensions
AISArray of Intensity Samples Graphics file File Extensions
AISAccelerated Indexing System General
AISAdaptive Intelligent System General
AISAmadeus Information System General
AISAutomated Indexing System General
AISAutomated Information System General
AISAutonomous Intelligent System General
AISArtificial Intelligence System Hardware
AISApplication Integration Suite Networking
AISAlternative Internet System Software
AISAutomatic Illumination Selection Software
AISAlarm Indication Signal Telecom
AISAbbreviated Inspection System FDA
AISAutomated Information System FDA
AISAccountable Instruction System Military
AISADN Interface Simulator Military
AISAdvanced Indication System Military
AISAdversary Information System Military
AISAirborne Intelligence System Military
AISAlarm Indication Signal Military
AISArmy Information System Military
AISAudio Intercommunications System Military
AISAutomated Information System Military
AISAutomatic Identification System Military
AISAutonomous Intelligence Submunition Military
AISAvionics Intermediate Shop Military
AISAction Item Sheet NASA
AISAir Injection System NASA
AISAirlock Illumination Subassembly NASA
AISAnalog-In Single-ended NASA
AISAutomated Information Security NASA
AISAutomated Inspection System NASA
AISAdvanced Inland Security Transportation
AISAir Idle Speed Transportation
AISAir Intake Sensor Transportation
AISAutomatic Idle Speed Transportation
AISAutomatic Identification System US Government
AISAsociación de Informadores de la Salud Spanish
AISAbyssmally Inferior Spellers Chat
AISAin't It Strange Chat
AISAin't It Sweet Chat
AISadenocarcinoma in situ British Medicine
AISalcohol insoluble solids Food industry British Medicine
AISanal carcinoma in situ British Medicine
AISandrogen-insensitivity syndrome British Medicine
AISanterior interosseous nerve syndrome British Medicine
AISanti-insulin serum–no longer used British Medicine
AISattitude indicating system British Medicine
AISAbbreviated Injury Scale Hospitals
AISAbbreviated Injury Severity Hospitals
AISabbreviated injury score Medical
AISAndrogen Insensitivity Syndrome Physiology
AISArtificial Immune System Physiology
AISAeronautical Information Service Aircraft Aviation
AISAeronautical Information Service Aircraft Aviation
AISAgricultural Information Series Farming
AISAutomated Inspection Support Manufacturing
AISAssault Intelligence Squad Science Fiction
AISAustralian Institute of Sport Australian

Explore More Information

Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.

TermFull FormCategories
ACLUAnti Christian Lifestyle Union Hobbies
Ar.Architect Construction
ABUEabuela Unclassified
AFUArchives For the Unexplained Unclassified
AMCAAir Movement and Control Association International, Inc. Construction
AESAutomatic Electronic Shutter Photography
AINAmerican Independent Network Unclassified
AKLAtviras Kodas Lietuvai Unclassified
ABRActivation Backup and Restore Unclassified
AQUAWater Physiology


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