AIS Full Form in Physiology
This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AIS in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.
What does AIS mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.
What is AIS?
AIS is Artificial Immune SystemAIS Definition / AIS Means
The definition of AIS is Artificial Immune SystemThe Meaning of AIS
AIS means Artificial Immune SystemFull Form Of AIS
Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AIS. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AIS.
Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AIS
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AIS | Academic Information System | Colleges Universities |
AIS | Academic Intervention Services | Colleges Universities |
AIS | Academy of International Studies | Colleges Universities |
AIS | Adventures In Supercomputing | Colleges Universities |
AIS | Adhesive Interconnect System | Electronics |
AIS | Accounting Information System | Accounting |
AIS | Accounting Information Systems | Accounting |
AIS | AMPAL American Israel Corporation | AMEX Symbols |
AIS | Akita Interpretation Service | Firms |
AIS | Aktiv Industriell Samverkan | Firms |
AIS | American Information Systems | Firms |
AIS | American Internet Services | Firms |
AIS | American Investigative Specialists | Firms |
AIS | Asahi India Solutions | Firms |
AIS | Atlantic Information Services, Inc. | Firms |
AIS | Access to Information Services | General |
AIS | Advanced Inventory System | General |
AIS | Alternative Investment Strategies LD Sterling Hedged Fund | London Stock Exchange |
AIS | Administrative Information Services | Occupation Positions |
AIS | Active, Individual, and Social | Community |
AIS | Academic Intervention Service | Educational |
AIS | Activity In School | Educational |
AIS | American International School | Educational |
AIS | Ability Imparied Sportsman | Law |
AIS | Alabama Inmate Sentence | Law |
AIS | Ask In Silence | Law |
AIS | Animated Inbuilt Scenery | Media |
AIS | Adventures In Success | Music |
AIS | Alzheimer's Information Site | Non-Profit Organizations |
AIS | American Indian Services | Non-Profit Organizations |
AIS | Association for Information Systems | Non-Profit Organizations |
AIS | Agyal Integrated School | Schools |
AIS | active isolated stretching | Sports |
AIS | Australian Institute of Sport | Sports |
AIS | Airtel iTV Service | TV Stations |
AIS | ASCII Individual Stream | Assembly |
AIS | ACDSee Image Sequence file | File Extensions |
AIS | Array of Intensity Samples Graphics file | File Extensions |
AIS | Accelerated Indexing System | General |
AIS | Adaptive Intelligent System | General |
AIS | Amadeus Information System | General |
AIS | Automated Indexing System | General |
AIS | Automated Information System | General |
AIS | Autonomous Intelligent System | General |
AIS | Artificial Intelligence System | Hardware |
AIS | Application Integration Suite | Networking |
AIS | Alternative Internet System | Software |
AIS | Automatic Illumination Selection | Software |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal | Telecom |
AIS | Abbreviated Inspection System | FDA |
AIS | Automated Information System | FDA |
AIS | Accountable Instruction System | Military |
AIS | ADN Interface Simulator | Military |
AIS | Advanced Indication System | Military |
AIS | Adversary Information System | Military |
AIS | Airborne Intelligence System | Military |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal | Military |
AIS | Army Information System | Military |
AIS | Audio Intercommunications System | Military |
AIS | Automated Information System | Military |
AIS | Automatic Identification System | Military |
AIS | Autonomous Intelligence Submunition | Military |
AIS | Avionics Intermediate Shop | Military |
AIS | Action Item Sheet | NASA |
AIS | Air Injection System | NASA |
AIS | Airlock Illumination Subassembly | NASA |
AIS | Analog-In Single-ended | NASA |
AIS | Automated Information Security | NASA |
AIS | Automated Inspection System | NASA |
AIS | Advanced Inland Security | Transportation |
AIS | Air Idle Speed | Transportation |
AIS | Air Intake Sensor | Transportation |
AIS | Automatic Idle Speed | Transportation |
AIS | Automatic Identification System | US Government |
AIS | Asociación de Informadores de la Salud | Spanish |
AIS | Abyssmally Inferior Spellers | Chat |
AIS | Ain't It Strange | Chat |
AIS | Ain't It Sweet | Chat |
AIS | adenocarcinoma in situ | British Medicine |
AIS | alcohol insoluble solids Food industry | British Medicine |
AIS | anal carcinoma in situ | British Medicine |
AIS | androgen-insensitivity syndrome | British Medicine |
AIS | anterior interosseous nerve syndrome | British Medicine |
AIS | anti-insulin serum–no longer used | British Medicine |
AIS | attitude indicating system | British Medicine |
AIS | Abbreviated Injury Scale | Hospitals |
AIS | Abbreviated Injury Severity | Hospitals |
AIS | abbreviated injury score | Medical |
AIS | Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome | Physiology |
AIS | Artificial Immune System | Physiology |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service | Aircraft Aviation |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service | Aircraft Aviation |
AIS | Agricultural Information Series | Farming |
AIS | Automated Inspection Support | Manufacturing |
AIS | Assault Intelligence Squad | Science Fiction |
AIS | Australian Institute of Sport | Australian |
Explore More Information
Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.
Term | Full Form | Categories |
ACLU | Anti Christian Lifestyle Union | Hobbies |
Ar. | Architect | Construction |
ABUE | abuela | Unclassified |
AFU | Archives For the Unexplained | Unclassified |
AMCA | Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. | Construction |
AES | Automatic Electronic Shutter | Photography |
AIN | American Independent Network | Unclassified |
AKL | Atviras Kodas Lietuvai | Unclassified |
ABR | Activation Backup and Restore | Unclassified |
AQUA | Water | Physiology |
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