AID Full Form in Physiology
This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AID in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.
What does AID mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.
What is AID?
AID is activation-induced deaminaseAID Definition / AID Means
The definition of AID is activation-induced deaminaseThe Meaning of AID
AID means activation-induced deaminaseFull Form Of AID
Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AID. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AID.
Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AID
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AID | Agency for International Development | Ocean Science |
AID | Also Includes Drugs | Physics |
AID | Agency for International Development | International Business |
AID | Association For India's Development | Professional Organizations |
AID | Association For Indias Development | Professional Organizations |
AID | Assistance In Distress | Community |
AID | Angel In Disguise | Religion |
AID | Automated Intelligence Discovery | General |
AID | Application Interface Design | Software |
AID | Autonet Information Director | Software |
AID | Agency for International Development | FDA |
AID | Association of India's Development | Governmental |
AID | ASARS Interface Device | Military |
AID | Autodin Interface Device | Military |
AID | Accident Investigation Division | Police |
AID | Agency for International Development | US Government |
AID | Asociación Internacional del Desarrollo | Spanish |
AID | Uluslararasi Kalkinma Ajansi | Turkish |
AID | acceptable intake daily | British Medicine |
AID | accident/injury/damages | British Medicine |
AID | acute ionisation detector | British Medicine |
AID | American Instructors of the Deaf | British Medicine |
AID | artificial insemination by donor See Artificial reproduction | British Medicine |
AID | Assistance and Independence for the Disabled | British Medicine |
AID | atherectomy imaging device | British Medicine |
AID | auditory information display | British Medicine |
AID | autoimmune deficiency | British Medicine |
AID | automatic implantable defibrillator | British Medicine |
AID | Anti-Inflammatory Drug | Hospitals |
AID | Artificial Insemination by Donor | Human Genome |
AID | artificial insemination donor | Human Genome |
AID | Activation-Induced cytidine Deaminase | Laboratory |
AID | activation-induced deaminase | Physiology |
AID | Acute Infectious Disease | Physiology |
AID | Amputee Identity Disorder | Physiology |
AID | Artificial Insemination by Donor | Physiology |
AID | American Idol Divas | Funnies |
AID | Alien In Disguise | Science Fiction |
AID | Adapted To Include Drugs | Unclassified |
AID | Association for Individual Development | Unclassified |
Explore More Information
Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AID | Acute Infectious Disease | Physiology |
ADTR | Academy of Dance Therapists Registered | Unclassified |
ALEFC | American Legion Endowment Fund Corporation | Unclassified |
ACCA | Association of Certified Chartered Accountants | Unclassified |
ADMS | Armidale Drama and Musical Society | Unclassified |
AIDET | Acknowledge Introduction Duration Explanation and Thank | Unclassified |
AR | Acid Reflux | Physiology |
AQ | Aqueous | Physiology |
ALLN | Anterior Lateral Line Nerve | Physiology |
ADHD | Always Direct, Hardly Diplomatic | Funnies |
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