AIA Full Form in Physiology
This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AIA in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.
What does AIA mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.
What is AIA?
AIA is Ability and Involuntary ActionAIA Definition / AIA Means
The definition of AIA is Ability and Involuntary ActionThe Meaning of AIA
AIA means Ability and Involuntary ActionFull Form Of AIA
Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AIA. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AIA.
Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AIA
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AIA | American Institute of Architects | Architecture |
AIA | American Institute Of Architecture | Architecture |
AIA | Active Integrated Antenna | Electronics |
AIA | American Insured Mortgage Investments | AMEX Symbols |
AIA | Auckland International Airport Ltd | ASX Symbols |
AIA | Assets for Independence Account | Banking |
AIA | Aerospace Industries Association | General |
AIA | Altin Reg | London Stock Exchange |
AIA | Annual In Advance | Occupation Positions |
AIA | American Importers Association | Professional Organizations |
AIA | American Institute of Architects | Professional Organizations |
AIA | American Insurance Association | Professional Organizations |
AIA | American Inventors Association | Professional Organizations |
AIA | Analytical Instruments Association | Professional Organizations |
AIA | Association Internationale Africaine | Professional Organizations |
AIA | Association of Insurance Advertisers | Professional Organizations |
AIA | Association of International Accountants | Professional Organizations |
AIA | Annotate Illustrate And Apply | Media |
AIA | Art Institute of Atlanta | Museums |
AIA | American Institute of Architects | Non-Profit Organizations |
AIA | Archaeological Institute of America | Non-Profit Organizations |
AIA | Athletes In Action | Sports |
AIA | Adobe Illustrator Action File | File Extensions |
AIA | Artificial Intelligence Assemblage | Software |
AIA | Air Intelligence Agency | Military |
AIA | Army Information Architecture | Military |
AIA | Army Intelligence Agency | Military |
AIA | Automation Interoperability Appraisal | Military |
AIA | Autocrats In Action | United Nations |
AIA | Active Internet Addicts | Chat |
AIA | All Interested Adults | Chat |
AIA | activation induced apoptosis | British Medicine |
AIA | anti-insulin antibody | British Medicine |
AIA | antigen-induced arthritis | British Medicine |
AIA | aspirin-induced asthma | British Medicine |
AIA | Ability and Involuntary Action | Physiology |
AIA | Automatic Irrigation Assembly | Farming |
AIA | Anime In Action | Funnies |
AIA | Aerospace Industries Association | Manufacturing |
AIA | Akzar Imperial Alliance | Unclassified |
AIA | Amusement Interface Associate | Unclassified |
AIA | Arena Of Instant Annihilation | Unclassified |
AIA | Atmospheric Imaging Assembly | Unclassified |
AIA | Authority Information Access | Unclassified |
AIA | Alliance, Nebraska USA | Airport Codes |
Explore More Information
Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.
Term | Full Form | Categories |
AMMA | American Manual Medicine Association | Physiology |
ACN | Architecture for Control Networks—and | Unclassified |
ABF | Association des Bibliothecaires Francais | Unclassified |
AB | Acronym Abbreviation | Unclassified |
ACC | Always Consider Cheating | Funnies |
ABCIA | Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association | Farming |
ARVE | Aircraft Repair Ship, Engine (Auxiliary, Repair, heaVier-than-air aircraft, Engine) | Ship Types |
ALBC | American Livestock Breeds Conservancys | Farming |
APE | Advanced Primate Espionage | Funnies |
AAR | Armed American Radio | Unclassified |
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