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AHA : Australian Healthcare Association

AHA Full Form in Physiology

This page is about the meanings of the abbreviation / acronym / shorthand AHA in the Medical field in general in the Physiology terminalogy in particular.

What does AHA mean?
Find the fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism here, it contains a long list of fullform which is very comprehensive and useful. It is not limited to educational fields only, our website display the fullform of other fields also such as Academic Science, Business Finance, Community, Computing, Governmental, International, Internet, Medical, Miscellaneous, Regional.

AHA : Australian Healthcare Association

What is AHA?

AHA is Australian Healthcare Association

AHA Definition / AHA Means

The definition of AHA is Australian Healthcare Association

The Meaning of AHA

AHA means Australian Healthcare Association

Full Form Of AHA

Here you will find all definitions, meanings, and full form of AHA. Know all related meanings and acronyms of AHA.

Browse all meanings, definitions, full-forms, acronyms and abbreviations related to AHA

TermFull FormCategories
AHAAcademics Highly Achieved Academic Degrees
AHAArt History and Architecture Academic Degrees
AHAAlpha Hydroxy Acid Chemistry
AHAAmerican Hardboard Association Professional Organizations
AHAAmerican Hospital Association Professional Organizations
AHAAlone, Helpless, and Addicted Community
AHAArts, History, and Adventure Educational
AHAAwareness Heightens Achievement Educational
AHAAwareness Humor Action Educational
AHAAuthors Helping Authors Media
AHAAmerican Historical Association Non-Profit Organizations
AHAAmerican Humane Association Non-Profit Organizations
AHAAmerican Humanist Association Non-Profit Organizations
AHAAmericans Helping Americans Non-Profit Organizations
AHAAssociation of Hispanic Arts Non-Profit Organizations
AHAArtists Helping Artists Performing Arts
AHAAnglicans Helping Anglicans Religion
AHAAdvanced Heuristic Analysis General
AHAAll Honesty Aside Texting
AHAAlert Holding Area Military
AHAAmmunition Holding Area Military
AHAAutomated Historical Archive Military
AHAActa Historiae Artium, Budapesta Romanian
AHAAwesome Heavenly Angel Chat
AHAacquired haemolytic anaemia British Medicine
AHAanti-heart antibody British Medicine
AHAanti-histone antibody British Medicine
AHAAssociate of The Institute of Hospital Administrators (previously Area Health Authority) British Medicine
AHAautoimmune haemolytic anaemia British Medicine
AHAAmerican Heart Association Physiology
AHAAustralian Healthcare Association Physiology
AHAAgricultural Hemp Association Farming
AHAActivism Hacking Artivism Funnies
AHAAmerican Hardboard Association Manufacturing
AHAAnimal Health Australia Australian

Explore More Information

Since time immemorial the use of fullform of abbreviations, acronyms and initialism was in fashion but texting and constant messaging has also given rise to a whole new series of acronyms.

TermFull FormCategories
ABPAlternative Break Program Unclassified
ADHDAllways Direct, Hardly Diplomatic Funnies
AGWAArana Gulch Watershed Alliance Unclassified
AQISAustralian Quarantine and Inspection Service Farming
AMRISAdvanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging And Spectroscopy Unclassified
AIRTAutomation Impacts Research Testbed Unclassified
ASSAcronym Specialists Society Funnies
AMIOAssociation for the Management of Information and Operations Unclassified
ABBRAbbreviation Miscellaneous
AHAlter Herr Unclassified


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